Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Welcome to our new blog.

Hello Friends and Family!

The title picture of our blog is of the Appian Way in Rome - from our pre-wedding honeymoon last summer. The title of the blog itself is from Walt Whitman's Song of the Open Road - part of the poem that Jeff read to me when he proposed and that we used in our wedding vows. It invokes our love of travel and adventure and reminds us that every day is a gift of exploration.

We're getting ready to leave Bozeman, Montana for Sofia, Bulgaria. Jeff is now officially a Master of Science! and is doing all the work at home in preparation for moving, while I am preparing for my defense (August 14!). Two more weeks and we'll be on a Virgin Atlantic plane on our way to new jobs and a new life together.

We're new to this blogging thing and it might take some time before we get it all figured out. We encourage comments. You can folow our blog by clicking on the "Follow Blog" button at the top of the page.

Happy traveling!

1 comment:

  1. Hi everybody! I'll post the first comment as an example to others...it's easy and fun! :) FYI, we're flying out of Denver on August 18 (Tuesday morning), and arrive in Sofia late Wednesday night.
