Saturday, May 14, 2011

Ramblings and Blog Police

 Below are some ramblings about life in Bulgaria, blogs, and travel - in no particular order. 

I don't think there is such a thing as "Blog Police" but in a small way I think there should be - specifically to make sure that people who have blogs keep up with writing them.  I can't believe that Jeff and I have written a whopping total of 7 blogs this year (and it's almost June!).  And we didn't write any during February and March.  I guess things have been a bit busy. 

I've just gone through all of our writings since moving to Sofia, and I saw that we promised a lot of posts on our travels abroad.  And somehow, we haven't fulfilled those promises.  I just wrote down as many of our travels and/or memorable events I think we should write a blog post about and came up with 35(!) at minimum.  This is where I figure the Blog Police could have helped us out by ticketing us every time we waited 3 months or more to write about an event.  Maybe the ticket would actually be an automatic post that says snide things about our character or posts embarrassing pictures of us or even tells outright lies that we would need to clear up ASAP, or better yet, maybe we would be fined and that money would be used to offset our (ginormous) carbon footprint or it would be donated to a worthwhile charity (like those poor Blog Police who have to keep track of the millions of blogs out there). 

One of the things I think we have done pretty well on our blog is to write posts about every day life - not just our whirlwind travels.  So, my list of 35+ includes a few of the things we've done in and around Sofia.  I would truly love to be able to post regular blogs (maybe weekly) that include not only our travels, but also our thoughts about world news, little pieces of our every-day lives, something we thought was funny, profound insights, inane stories, or anything we think you, dear reader, will enjoy reading.  I thought with changing jobs this school year, that I would have more time to devote to keeping our blog updated.  Not so, apparently. 

Well, we have 2 more months in Bulgaria/Europe, then we will be back in the good ole US of A.  For those of you who haven't heard yet, we are moving to Massachusetts at the end of August.  Jeff will be teaching science and starting a sustainability program at a prestigious boarding school and I (hopefully) will be finding my way back into the GIS world.  The past several months were a whirlwind of Jeff having Skype interviews AND being flown back to the States for on-campus interviews - twice.  Definitely some highs and lows in those experiences but ultimately, Jeff was offered 3 different jobs!  It was so nice to be sought after in this stunted economy. 

We will be done with our work here at the end of June, then we plan to travel around Europe during July.  Our flight back to the States puts us back in Colorado on July 31.  Then we'll be travelling around the States during August and back to work by the end of August.  Our biggest trip this summer is a week-long hike through the Swiss Alps (staying in huts along the way).  This has been a dream of our since we honeymooned in Switzerland and Italy in 2008.  We also plan to visit Slovenia, Copenhagen, Berlin, and Budapest (all on our bucket list!).  In the US, we will be in Colorado for a few days to see my family, hopefully Yellowstone and Bozeman for a few days, San Francisco for a wedding, Minneapolis to see my sister and her family, and a variety of places in Michigan to see Jeff's family.  Whirlwind.

I'm rambling.  I guess my point of this post was to say that I'm sorry we haven't been posting regularly and I hope to change that.  Today Jeff is on a Hiking Club excursion with some students (I refused to get up at 6AM on a Saturday, so I didn't go), and I promised him that I would try to get a couple of blog posts written while he's out enjoying what Bulgaria has to offer.  I'm trying to decide if I should write about the oldest topic and move forward or if I should write about last weekend and go backward.  Or maybe I'll mix it up and do this in no particular order! 

And if Jeff and I are good about writing, hopefully there will be blog posts about all of these things!  And if we are not good about writing, maybe the Blog Police will help us donate to offset our ridiculously huge carbon footprint...

It's a beautiful day in Sofia - around 70 degrees and sunny.  Nice after having a couple of weeks of cold rain.  The chestnut trees and lilac bushes are in full bloom - the scents around me are heady!  Our campus is an island of vivid bright green surrounded by city.  We are blessed to be living in such a lovely place!


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