Thursday, September 1, 2011

We have a lot of moving-in to do...

A short (and shaky) video tour of our new apartment. Wow, we have a lot of junk.  Sorry the video is Blair-Witch style and the audio is at times incomprehensible, but the point is just to appreciate how much stuff was crammed into our shipping container! (No hurricane/tropical storm damage, by the way...)
Blog Contest!!!
We'll send a lovely postcard from beautiful historic (and flooded) Deerfield, Massachusetts to whomever comes closest to guessing in the comments how many plastic tubbies we have. Most were shown in the video, if only briefly, though there are a few more out-of-view in the closets. I actually have no idea how many there are, but we'll find out as we unpack. Hint: More than 10. Less than 1000.
Good luck...