Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Ode to Benedryl

I just wanted to run.
Too many weeks under doctor's orders.
Too many weeks gently ambling, even jogging, but stuck on campus.
The stress of finals, I needed to get out.
To my favorite running trail, in an abandoned lot near campus
(calling it a "park" would be overly kind).
True, the grass was likely high
True, to grass I am allergic,
like Sarah, who had broken out in itchy rash after walking the dog.
But it wouldn't happen to me! I couldn't be that sensitive!
That was weeks ago!

The run was great.
Down-down-down hill,
weaving through overgrown weeds
that completely obscured the trail.
Fast! It felt good to move so fast.
Nevermind the waist-high weeds scratching me.

Ah, home again.
I should probably take a shower after I stretch, wash off that grass.

Swollen legs.
Angry, itchy, red legs.
I can't even worry about scratching because
I want to scratch EVERYWHERE!
I should probably take a shower RIGHT NOW.

[but I have to work tonight! This will make me drowsy...]
Shower. Scrub hard.
Breathe. Benedryl good.

Legs still red, but I can function.
Thank you, benedryl.
Thank you, diphenhydramine hydrochloride.
Thank you for your hot pink awesomeness.

Thank you, Shannon, for dinner.
I can probably grade final exams after dinner.
I can prob-o-bak=-le
No, I really need to alkdflkjad
so sleepy...
so, foggy.
kjadsjk. Mljaslkjk.
Stand. Weave.
Try to speak. Slur.
Oh benedryl. You saved me. You drugged me.

Hot pink awesomeness.

1 comment:

  1. Hahaha..... yeah. there is just something in those grasses... I do not know what it is, but they certainly made my legs swell up too! Thank god for benadryl!
