Friday, November 6, 2009

School's out!

The Bulgarian Ministry of Health and Education just canceled our classes for next week due to the Swine Flu epidemic. My understanding of Bulgarian news is mostly limited to rumors and mistranslations, but I believe all Sofia-area schools are being shut down. After hovering in the high 20% range all week, our school actually crossed the fabled 30% absenteeism threshold today, so our school would have likely been shut down individually, even if they hadn't issued a city-wide closure. Kind of crazy. For the last few days, the students that were here knew that we might cancel school, and there was a "last day before Christmas vacation" squirelliness to classes. I've never been somewhere that was shut down for health reasons (the before (the students are calling it a "flu vacation"), although I think Westridge should have been a few times.

I'm supposed to report to work on Monday for meetings, lesson planning, and grading. Maybe Tuesday also, but no one really knows. We'll have to make up the missed school days later in the year, which won't be pretty.

But the good news: insta-vacation! I want to go somewhere that I can get last minute travel to/from cheaply, and where the swine flu season is not any worse than here. :) We're both still healthy, and hoping to keep it that way. Even if I just do lesson planning and grading, I might as well do it somewhere exotic, right? I'll take your suggestions for last minute travel destinations in the comments...

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