Friday, April 30, 2010

Going Cuckoo

Did you know that (A) cuckoo birds exist in places other than clocks, and (B) they sound EXACTLY like said clocks?

Well, I thought the cuckoo bird was just a little wooden bird that came out of cuckoo clocks on the hour and made a happy little "cuckoo" sound.  I had no idea it was a real species of bird until I heard a very distinct "cuckoo" coming from the woods behind my house.  Haven't seen the actual bird yet, but I doubt someone has put a loudspeaker in the woods with a random track of cuckoos, so I have faith that we have a pair nesting somewhere nearby.

They make that lovely and well-known sound, but apparently some species of cuckoos are con-artists.  The scientific term is "brood parasite."  This is where the mother cuckoo bird clears out part of the nest of another species (yes, that means the other bird's eggs) and lays her eggs in this other nest.  Then her job is done.  The other mother will raise the cuckoo bird as it's own.  This is a good argument for nature vs. nurture - since the adopted cuckoo bird will grow up and do the exact same thing - without training from parents.

Happy Friday everyone!

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